Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Posting

I journal and I thought this might be fun. I don't know if I will ever tell anyone this exists until I see if it's even beneficial to me or anyone else out there. Where do I begin? (smile)

At the age of 44 I started college! Wow! I just turned 45 and am now in my second semester at Weber State University. I LOVE it! It's hard and challenging and overwhelming...but it's also amazing and exciting and satisfying. I'm finally chasing this dream I've had for quite some time of becoming a radio dj. I have no idea if I will be any good at it, but I won't know if I don't try, right?! I love music and I can talk the horns off a billy goat so it seems like I might do all right with it. Someday I'd love to have a show where I can talk to my callers and play music to get them through whatever moment they are experiencing. Music is an amazing connector. It touches, it heals, it inspires, it motivates and it captivates. It can take you back to a moment and connect you to a memory from long ago. I could talk about music forever.

I have been sick for over two weeks now and I just can't shake it. I keep pushing myself so that I don't get behind at college and it's starting to wear on me. I have a heavier load this semester and I'm definitely feeling it. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow and see if I can't get a handle on it.

I am truly loving living close to my children. They have grown into these amazing adults and I am so proud to call them mine! There is some exciting news regarding my daughter but I have to sit on it for a little longer.

I need to do a few things around here so I suppose this will be all for my first post. But, I think I'd like to end with the best and the worst of the day...the worst part was feeling so rough and taking my math quiz and doing so terrible on it and coughing so much I couldn't finish my gig at the radio station tonight...The best part of today...Just knowing I made it through and being able to call Sarah Lee and talk with her. She always makes everything better...just by being there. Life Goes On...

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